I Went for a Walk and I Saw... A Goat

 It's Happened Again!

So I went for a run on Sunday. This is not unusual in itself, although I could only cover less than half my usual Sunday trail distance as I appeared to once again be running in warm soup and had sweated out all of the moisture from my body by the time I hit the 5k mark.

I've actually picked up a bit of pace on my 5k times and I'm not too far off PBs so I'm happy with that.

This weekend was a bit odd in that two things that never normally used to happen on my Sunday runs happened.

1: I was confronted by a ruminant.

2: I saw a kid being rescued from a storm drain.

Yet again I was confronted by the bizarre conjunction of the modern world and the traditional lifestyle of Malaysia. I ran through a modern(ish) housing estate from our very actually modern housing estate to a very new school - it's only three years old. 

There is also a traditional Chinese temple.

As you can see it is traditionally constructed from... concrete and steel. See, even the temple is modern!

So why in the world did I find myself being stared down by a goat.

Shortly after this I saw a couple next to the road carrying what I thought was a dog. A third person then climbed out of the nearby storm drain - I should point out that these are often just open and run next to the path (hah hah, because these are always a feature of a street in Penang) or just at the side of the road, they are usually well over a metre deep and at least half a metre wide. I realised that the man in or at least very recently in the drain had just rescued a juvenile goat and that was what the couple were holding. They proceeded to take the goat with them on their moped... as you do.

This situation came about because in the middle of this slew of urban development there is a traditional kampung small holding where a herd of goats is kept along with any number of chickens and at least two buffalo or whatever the thing that I think a buffalo actually is. 

This is another clear affirmation that we're really not in Kansas any more Toto!


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